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  1. It must be a good couple of days, my partners has come through today also! Congratulations to everyone else who has had recent grants! And lots of luck to everyone expecting any day! We are at around 9 1/2 months, BUT, as he is from a 'High Risk' country, he was originally quoted "at least 12 months" so we are pretty damn happy with this time frame! We're going to book Ronnie's flight for next week!
  2. Hey guys, congrats on all the recent grants, so happy for you! We spoke to our CO today to check how things were going (having done medical and police checks last week) and she's said that Ronnies medicals have been referred... Anyone know much about this? We have no idea what they would have been referred for as he is in good health the only thing is that he wears glasses?! We don't want to keep bugging the CO so if anyone has an idea how long this can take or if we can contact anyone to find out the timeframe/reason we'd appreciate anyones experiences She said that she will finalise the application once the meds are clear so you can understand why we are anxious/curious!
  3. Hey guys, sort of a funny question, but with the personal statements, do you think it's best to handwrite them, or type them on the computer and then just sign the bottom of the page. I feel like handwritten is more personal but am also worried in case my or my partners handwriting is hard to read! I think they are both relatively neat but wouldn't want to risk them not understanding! Thanks in advance
  4. Thatnks so much for the reply, sorry for posting twice, after I posted this one I thought maybe it was better to ask in its own thread! Such great news for us, would have been difficult to be apart the whole time as flights to and from the uk and Aus aren't cheap! Another quick question regarding police and medical checks, best to include in the original application or wait until they are requested? Thanks again!
  5. Hi there! New to the thread. I am an Aussie sponsoring my partner to apply for 309/100 hopefully by the end of this week (just waiting on our last stat dec to be posted from Aus) we currently live together in London but I have to go home mid September as my visa will expire. I was under the impression he had to be in London (where we will lodge the application) when his visa is granted, but reading a few posts here it seems that he doesn't need to be where the application was lodged, simply NOT be in Australia, is that correct? That would make a huge difference for us as it would mean he could potentially travel to Aus on a tourist visa once he has finalised the application here and then return to Bangladesh (where he is originally from) and wait out the rest of the process there, obviously much closer to Aus than the uk and much easier for us both to travel to each other to visit! So appreciative if anyone could clarify this for me
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